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No...they are now banning aluminum bats for high schools in such states as New York because of how hard the Baseball comes off the bat. If they were to use aluminum bats in the MLB, I guarantee you that there would have been at least 3 pitchers killed from line drives since 2005.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

No, because the pitching come in so fast that if a batter made contact the ball using a metal bat would go back at the pitcher like 5 times as fast which would be like 500 mph!

David Ortiz did once use it in batting practice tho!!

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βˆ™ 15y ago

yes. from college and up ithnik you use wooden bats.

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Q: Are MLB players allowed to use aluminum bats?
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Which player was famous for using an aluminum bat?

Little League players. Aluminum bats are illegal in the MLB.

Why does MLB use wooden bats?

Players in Major League Baseball use wooden bats so the ball doesn't go as far when they hit it. If they used an aluminum bat, players could easily hit a home run.

Why is aluminum bats not allowed in the Major League Baseball?

The speed of the ball that comes off of a aluminum bat is faster than that of a wooden bat. The intention of the MLB would be to create a safer playing environment for the players (mainly the pitcher in mind) so they can have enough time to react to the ball once hit.

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Why do major league players use wooden bats?

Wooden bats are a tradition in MLB and if players used aluminum bats today I'm 99% sure that every player would hit a home run each at bat. It would be too easy for them. Plus if the league changed to metal bats- none of the players could be compared (batting averages) with some of the all-time great people of baseball. For example: Barry Bonds vs. Babe Ruth. ANSWER Saftey of the pitcher. Aluminum bats have too fast an exit speed. The pitcher could not defend himself in the event of a line drive back up the middle.

What percent of MLB players use ash bats?

Over nine thousand

Does a composite bat hit farther than an aluminim bat?

Metal bats hit the ball further which is why at unprofessional levels of baseball they use metal but when you get to the MLB you have to use wood.

Why are MLB players not allowed to have metal bats?

An aluminum bat is lighter and stronger than wood, children of little league age are often times not strong enough to swing a wooden bat in a length and barrel size to be competitive. It has increased the hitting ability of the younger players and added to a more exciting game. The above answer is absolutely correct, but I think all aluminum bats everywhere should be banned. There's nothing like "the crack of the bat", with the youth of today are not experiencing.

Can MLB players use corked bats?

It is a form of cheating. No ball or bat is to be tampered with during a game.

Do pro baseball players pay for there own bats?

Most professional baseball players use wood bats because metal bats are very easy to hit a home run with and most pros love the challenge behind wood bats. MLB rules dictate that players use wooden bats.

What percent of MLB players chew?

85% of MLB Players chew.

How many players of the MLB use wooden bats?

everyone of them do. metal bats are illegal in professional baseball. But you use them in college, high school and below.