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No, Highschool leagues allow only -3 bats.

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Q: Can you use drop 5 bats on Junior Varsity?
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What is the minus bat drop required for seventh and eighth grade Junior High Baseball?

There is no legal requirement, although the strength of a player of that age could handle a drop 5 bat. Its not until the high school level that players are required to use a drop 3 bat. So to get players use to a bat that size, a 7th grader or 8th grader should use a drop 5 baseball bat.

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Use the word junior in a sentence?

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Can you give me the names of the best fast pitch bats and weight?

we use Demarini and love them, my daughter is tall and uses at 34" drop 10

What is the difference between bats used in the major leagues and bats used in college baseball?

In the MLB, they use wooden bats and are able to break easier. In college, they use drop 3 bb core's and they're also metal, it's also harder to break. If you want to look at the bats, go to and search bb core.

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Short Stack uses the font "Helvetica Neue" for their branding and visual identity.

What is the full form of the word varsity?

A varsity cheer leading team is a cheer team with younger kids. See, I'm in junior high, and I'm cheering with the high school, therefore, I'm a varsity cheer leader.

How many ounces is a drop 3 baseball bat?

a drop three means its like a 33 inch bat and 30 ounce bat and if you minuts 30 from 33 you get -3 which means drop three. I know because we use them in Junior High.