The vast majority of Canadians , both male and female, have played hockey at some level. Hockey is part of the very fabric of our culture. Hockey is not just a sport, it is part of who we are and what we do. But, obviously, not ALL Canadians play hockey. My wife, for example, born and raised in Canada, can't even skate!!!
All canadians voted for ice hockey to be the canadian national sport
Play ice hockey, drink hot chocolate, have sex near the fire
Canadians invented ice hockey because of canada's long winter canadians made a sport out of it
CANADA! its in there blood hockey was invented by canadians
the soulders gaurding the parlement buildings grabbed a stick from a tree and a ball and went on ice and played with no eqiupent .
NO? you can play hockey any where there is ice
Sidney Crosbie play ice hockey !
Montreal Canadians
you can play floor hockey, roller hockey, or field hockey
This might be a somewhat simplified answer as I am not a sociologist or anthropologist. But hockey was invented/developed in Canada. Over the years hockey has become more than a sport. Indeed, it has become a vital part of the very fabric of our Canadian culture. There are few Canadians , male or female, who haven't played the game at some time in their lives, even if it has only been skating around with a puck and stick on a local pond or rink.
Canadian sports are sports that Canadians played and originated
Ice hockey is a popular event at the Winter Olympics for many countries. Canadians, northern and eastern Europeans particularly enjoy hockey, as do significant numbers in the northeastern USA.