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There aren't many types of bows, however there are many custom made bows which highly differ from the standard modern bows. The most common types are Short Bows and Long Bows as well as Cross Bows. The strongest ones of course are Cross Bows, as these are powered automatically, whereas in the other two you have to physically pull the arrow.

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13y ago

Target Archery, Field Archery (UK - Bow Hunting in the USA), Flight Archery, Clout Archery and Popinjay. Refer GNAS Rules of shooting for full explanation.

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How many types of bow are used in archery?

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How many Different bows are used in the archery Olympics?

Olympic archery only uses recurves.

What types of archery equipment is being offered for sale on sporting goods websites?

A variety of archery equipment is offered for sale on sporting goods websites. For example, the Sports Authority website offers many different brands of archery cross bows and arrows.

Which Olympic sport Uses bows and arrows?

It is called "ARCHERY" :)

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What information can be found on the ArcheryTalk website?

The ArcheryTalk website has a wealth of information about archery. If one wanted to know all about the types of bows used in archery, for example, ArcheryTalk would be the website to visit.

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Archery developed from Indians who shot other Indians for stealing there donuts.

What does the company Bowtech Archery do?

Bowtech Archery is a company that specializes in manufacturing and distributing archery equipment. Bowtech Archery is a specialist in making compound bows.

Did they play archery with guns?

No. They play archery with bows and arrows. They play with guns but change the name.

Which Olympic sport do you use bows and arrows?


Is there a Sport starting with letter a?

Yes, archery. (Bows and arrows)