in archery it evenally replaced spear-throwing
No. They play archery with bows and arrows. They play with guns but change the name.
You can win archery prizes by competing in archery competitions. There are plenty of archery competitions all over the world to choose from, find one win it and you'll get your prize.
How did the dirction of the moon change over time? How did the dirction of the moon change over time?
A change over time is often referred to as a gradual change.
A toxophilite is a person who is passionate about or skilled in archery. They often spend time practicing and perfecting their archery skills.
Yes, friends do and will change over time. Every person changes over time.
how can eutrophication change a lake over time
Islands change over time by erosion
No, acceleration is the change in speed over time.
No, your Rh factor does not change over time.
Evolution is a change in species over time.