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There are a 2 materials used, some longbows and recurve bows can be made of wood, recurve and compound bows can be made of cast or machined aluminium. The limbs are a composite material of wood, fibreglass and carbon.

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17y ago
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11y ago

It depends on the type of bow. Many recurve bows are made of fiberglass, wood, and other primitive materials. Compound bows are usually made of steel, aluminum, and other metals. The string is made of different materials as well. Cable, sinew, linen, etc. are all types of material used to create bow strings. More primitive and tribal bows may use intestines or woven hair.

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15y ago

Bows can be made of many types of materials, including (in no particular order):

  • wood
  • steel
  • fiber-glass
  • aluminum
  • titanium
  • carbon-fiber
  • horn (as in buffalo and ibex)
There are probably other materials which can be used to make a bow for Archery as well. Bows can be made of one material only (as for a self-bow), or as a composite by using two or more types of materials (as for composite and laminated bows).
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15y ago

Deppends, is deffently a type of wood though.

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14y ago

the string on bows are made out of horse hair

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What is a bow made of?

A bow is made of long horse hair. But dont worry, the horses dont die, they just cut off a few hairs from their tails.

How long was an Iroquois bow?

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How long does a recurve bow last?

It would depend on the materials from which it is made and the usage it gets.

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A short bow is faster

What is the difference in a long bow and a short bow in runescape?

Nothing realy just that short bow is stronger but dosent shoot as far as a long bow.

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the first bow and arrow was made in aproximitly 38,000 B.C.

What were the bow made of?

They were made out of wood.

Is bow a long O sound?

Yes, a bow as in archery and a fancy knot in a ribbon is long.

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From Bow to Stern was about 2 1/2 feet long.

When was the bow n arrow made?

the bow and arrow was made in japan around the medieval stages,