He can bench press 595 about 44 times.
As of 2011 Mike Wallace can bench press 300 pounds 67 times.
About 100 times a day
Chuck Liddell can bench press 50 billion infinty......infinity times quatrillion pounds. Give or take a few pounds.
more than you !
(via his personal chef/training partner) "The most I saw Wlad bench was 395LBS. 4 times. When we lift the first 2 weeks in camp I lift with him. Usually the bench press gets up to 275LBS but he lifts it 20 times."
Theoretically, 300 pounds. Here's a calculator if you're interested: http://www.steinertfootball.com/strength.html
There are several factors. A persons body weight and age are a pretty good indicator. This is very general of course. To be a good bench presser its usually a matter of simple practice and technique. However if you can rep your own weight you are most likely above average. If you can max out at 100lbs past your weight thats also a good indicator your pretty strong. Ex: 175 body weight x 10 or 275 at one rep max.
A healthy man can bench his own weight, the average being around 185 lbs. A gorilla, highland silverback, the biggest of the gorillas, is said to be between 12 and 20 times stronger than a man. Just multiply 185 by those figures and it will give a ball park figure of what a gorilla can do if taught to bench press. On the animal channel, it stated that a large male silverback gorilla has the strength to press over 4600 pounds.
he can only bench 135 10 times, i saw him at 24 hour fitness and he couldn't get the 11th rep up
Well this terminology is different for everyone. If you look at the question literally, if you can bench press one complete rep of any said weight than you have "benched" that amount. Right? Personally I consider myself able to bench a weight if I can do two technically complete repetitions. The bottom line is to use proper technique, be safe, and always use a spotter when bench pressing, especially if you plan on maxing out. Basically you want to work out with a comfortable weight than you can do 10 to 15 times in a series of three or so sets. The Max-out term is just kind of a show off thing if you ask me. I work out with 150lbs to 200lbs on the bench press in sets of 3 or 4, 10-15 reps/set. I can "max" around 325. Remember safety first. Let the show-off's do what they do.