BEFORE A TRACK MEET EAT HEALTHY! Remember to eat from all food groups (if your a vegetarian eat nuts instead). Don't eat less than two hours before your event, or you'll get cramps. Milk products give you cramps so don't eat/drink that less than 2 and a half hours before an event. Fruit and vitamin C is also good to eat/drink!
I would say that it wouldn't be terrible to eat pizza before a meet because if you think of it, it has a loooot of carbs in it like spaghetti...I'm not sure about the cheese but if you had to you could always just take it off and eat it without it. What is recommended before a track meet is a lot of carbs and you can get that from spaghetti, bagels, stuff like that. before the meet you should also eat something with a lot of potassium like a banana because it helps you cramp less...hope this helped! :)
Yes, you go to a track meet. Go is the verb and meet is the noun, track describes the kind of meet it is.
The plural form of track meet is track meets
Anthing but junk food. Try also to eat fruits.
it depends on the meet and the width of the track
The plural form of track meet is track meets
No. Of course not.
Eat a ton of carbs two days in advance. Hard work out two days before, easy workout the day before. Go easy on the heavy meats such as steak and hamburger the night before. And make sure you bring your spikes and uniform.
That would be track meets.
Practice. Rest for 2 days before the meet. Stretch every day. Eat lots of bananas. I'm serious about the banana part, it keeps the acid in your muscles from kicking in and making you tired. It does that because of all the Vitamin K. Weird right?
Track them down.