Yes, you go to a track meet. Go is the verb and meet is the noun, track describes the kind of meet it is.
Meet is a singular noun (meet is also a verb and an adjective). Example use as a noun:The track meet is scheduled for four PM.
The word 'meet' is a noun form as a word for an assembly of people that comes together for a sporting event (a track meet). The noun form of the verb to meet is the gerund, meeting.
The word 'meet' is a noun form as a word for an assembly of people that comes together for a sporting event (a track meet). The noun form of the verb to meet is the gerund, meeting.
No, meeting can be used as either a noun, verb, and gerund.
The plural form of track meet is track meets
No, track is not a collective noun. The word track is a common, singular noun.
"Meet" is both transitive and intransitive. When we say: "They meet every Friday," it is intransitive since there is not direct object. When we say" He met his friend at the library," it is transitive since "his friend" is a direct object. Alternatively, "He met the standards and was employed," is another intransitive usage of the verb. Regards, Doug
it depends on the meet and the width of the track
The plural form of track meet is track meets
No, neither individually or together. Track suit is a compound noun using "track" as a noun adjunct.
The noun 'meet' is an abstract noun as a word for a sports event, a word for a concept.The abstract noun form of the verb to meet is the gerund, meeting.
That would be track meets.