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you don't loose any weight in gymnastics doing back bends or splits, heel streching maybe because your working on your calfs but that wont make you loose weight it will make your muscles go stronger.

if anything in gymnastics that will make you loose weight is jsumping up and down same spot for about 10 mins everyday with weights.

or try conditioning, like sit up, press ups, running on the spot..

gymnastic conditioning, terms of burpes, toe raisers. anything, of best to do them/it with weights, because as you carry on and start to feel comfortable with what your doing loose the weights and it will be 10 times easier and your body will like it more, and the weight will come off more easy xxx

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Q: What helps you lose weight in gymnastics backbends splits heel stretch streching what?
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u must stretch every day to become flexible. gymnasts arnt born that flexible...they stretch A LOT every day until they r shaking! u must work 2 get ur splits

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Both men and woman can do the splits, as long as they stretch thoroughly beforehand. It is important to stretch completely and it builds up flexibility for the splits, which can otherwise be very difficult.

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Lots of practice

Do you need to be in gymnastics to do a split?

no you can be eg. a dancer and be able to do splits or even be a normal person !!

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cartwheels, handstands, splits, strength, flexibility and yeah:]