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The night before you race you should eat carb-heavy foods so you'll have plenty of energy to run, suggestions: pasta and bread. Also be sure to eat your fruits and vegetables. Avoid junk food in general, especially candy and chocolates (which you shouldn't eat too much of even if you're not racing the next day...). Be sure to eat a good breakfast the day of the race (lunch too if you're racing later in the day). A couple of hours before your race you might want to have a light snack (especially if your last meal was a while ago) again, go for carbs. After your race be sure to eat foods with protein (such as meat and dairy, also nuts if you're a vegetarian) so your muscles can rebuild themselves.

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15y ago
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13y ago
What you should eat before a race is most likely fruits and vegtables, powerade, lots and lots of water so you don't get dehydrated...... BUT NEVER ok i repeat NEVER eat or drink ANY DAIRY PRODUCTS BEFORE RUNNING OR WHILE RUNNING OR YOU WILL GET LOTS AND LOTS OF CRAMPS AND ALONG WITH THAT YOU MOST LIKELY GET SICK BECAUSE OF DOING ALL OF THAT AND YOU WOULD START TO THROW UP A LOT!!

Eat low-GI complex carbs about 2-3 hours beforehand.

Cut down on heavy meat etc for 1-2 days beforehand.

Sip on water to keep your fluids up - ditch the powerade.

The day before that, eat a lot of carbs to store energy. (Pasta, Pizza, etc.) Right before you run, eat a banana. All the Ironmen do it =). Also, drink a lot of water.


Never eat anything right before running. You need to eat about 2hrs before running so you can digest your food easier. Eat pasta NOT pizza ( grease will slow down runners) and just really good Italian food. Make sure to hydrate with an energy drink, or most importantly, WATER up to 2 days before each run.

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14y ago

It's good not to eat at least 2-3 hours before running.
And it's the best to eat some fruits, vegetables. It's better not to eat meat, chocolate, don't drink milk.

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10y ago

Ideally you should eat a meal consisting of 50 to 75 grams of carbohydrates before running a marathon. If you are training you should eat 15-30 grams of carbs before going out.

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13y ago

I think you should drink 1 and a half glasses of water

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14y ago

nuts, fruits, veggies.

-its important to consume fruits because they hydrate your body while you run, and keep your engery levels high.

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