It purely depends on how far you are running and how often. There is the potential to lose a lot of weight if running remains a constant factor in your life. Just to give you an example, the average person burns 700 calories and hour while running.
ZERO, you would burn up about 40 calories and that's about it. You'd need to do a whole lot more walking than this to burn a pound.
More input
Walking for weight lossis very effective when done properly. For more information about how to do walking for weight loss, and achieve fat burning results, see the page link, further down this page, listed under "Related Questions."
Strictly depends on your current fitness, diet, weight and body fat %. If you jog 4 miles a day at a reasonable pace, say 4 miles in half an hour, 5 days a week for around 6-8 months I can almost guarantee that you'll be fit and slim if you have a balanced diet. At the end of the six months you should be able to reduce your time to around 20mins.
Be warned though, jogging puts a lot of stress on the knees especially if you're over 200ish pounds and you might want to alternate jogging and swimming/cycling/rowing just to give your knees a little recovery time between jogs and jogging also tends to build up your calves more than anything else. Stay away from rowing if your don't want to build muscle, albeit perfectly balanced and pretty much the fastest way to get fit and lose weight. Or cycling if you don't want thunder thighs.
Jogging can be a bore and a huge chore if you jog the same route over and over, so mix it up, don't jog the same distance everyday, and don't just stick to paths or roads, try places like the beach, this reduces the impact on your joints and is quite exhausting along dry sand. Best of all, get a jogging partner. No better inspiration than trying to avoid looking lazy and skipping the days you just don't feel like it, because eventually you'll quit.
Hope this helps.
You will if you eat well balanced meals and not too much and jog a lot.
Any exercise is good for you!
Jogging, but you lose more by having sex
Jogging, or any kind or cardio workouts can help you lose weight.
stomach crunches lose weight around your stomach SPECIFICALLY, if u go running or jogging, you will lose weight everywhere...including your but ;)
A good exercise to lose weight is running and jogging, even swimming. They burn calories quickly and easily, and can be done just about anywhere you are.
You stop eating and start jogging
To lose weight you want to do endurance training. Lots of jogging and crunches. If you would like to use weights use an amount that you can do 20-30 reps with.
Healthy eating, jogging, and resisting carbs for awhile.
The best way to lose weight is regular exercise and a healthy, balanced diet. Activities such as jogging and swimming, in addition to eating plenty of fruits and vegetables will help with weight control.
Walking is still healthy however jogging will help you lose weight faster as well as increase your fitness to a greater extent in the long run. This is due to the fact that you are burning more calories when jogging then walking.
Yes definitely it does. Jogging is a very good exercise in general to lose weight and fat in our body. Especially in our legs because our legs are the most used organ while jogging and it burns a lot of fat and calories while jogging