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Q: Who has done the most ever bench press reps of 450?
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Who has done the most ever bench press reps of 225?

Stan B got 225 for 67 reps at Brits Brothers Gym in Greenville SC on 3.13.2011 as part of a Muscular Dystrophy fundraiser. The video is here:

Who benches the most in the NBA?

I don't know who can bench press the most but former lineback Keith Davis of the New York Giants could bench 515 pounds. Linebacker Larry Allen claims a 700 pound bench press, though i would consider it an assisted lift. I would believe he bench press something around the low 600's legitamately though. I would also assume that most professional linebackers can probably bench press between 450 and 550 pounds, seeing as how their jobs depend on them shoving 320 pound behemoths around....

What is the most bench press reps by an NFL player?

Larry Allen has bench pressed 700lbs under powerlifting regulations;and is known to have the highest bench press in all sports. this answer is factually innacurate. The reputed 700 pound bench press was a wide-grip, shallow-range, ASSISTED bench press and did not adhere to powerlifting regualtions. It quite simply was an illegitamate lift. Drop the number buy almost 100 pounds and it becomes a possibility...

Which NL baseball player had the most RBIs in the 1970s?

Johnny Bench, 1013

Did they have stain glass windows in the middle ages church?

Much of the most beautiful stained glass work that has ever been done was done for the windows of European cathedrals between 1100-1600 AD.

Related questions

What is the most a male ever benched pressed?

Gene Rychlak had the heaviest bench press at 1010 pounds.

What is Bob Sapp most bench press?

I am not sure but i saw him bench 45lbs one day

Who bench press the most in college football?

Trent Richardson

What phase of the bench press is most important?

incline dumbbell press best chest exersize to do

What is the most weight ever bench pressed?

The most Bench Pressed was by Ryan Kennelly (1070 pounds)

Who can bench press the most in WWE?

funaki or Michael cole

What is the most bench press reps of 225 lbs ever?

k. miller carrollton, ga. 50 reps at 50-60 yrs. old.

What is the most bench press reps of 225 lbs for a 50 year old?

50 Reps by Peter Mehl at age 53. Done in July 2009 at the Destiny Center, Ashby, MN>

How much can yao ming bench press?

Yao Ming is even stronger than most nfl players he bench presses 300 lb

Who has done the most ever bench press reps of 225?

Stan B got 225 for 67 reps at Brits Brothers Gym in Greenville SC on 3.13.2011 as part of a Muscular Dystrophy fundraiser. The video is here:

How much can klitschko bench press?

(via his personal chef/training partner) "The most I saw Wlad bench was 395LBS. 4 times. When we lift the first 2 weeks in camp I lift with him. Usually the bench press gets up to 275LBS but he lifts it 20 times."

How much can Dwayne Johnson bench?

450lb Actually he has said that the most hes ever benched was 425 pounds, and my guess is at present he prob benches somewhere in the high 300's or around the 400 pound mark, maybe... When he was at his peak he has been known to bench press 425lbs,