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incline dumbbell press best chest exersize to do

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Q: What phase of the bench press is most important?
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Related questions

What is Bob Sapp most bench press?

I am not sure but i saw him bench 45lbs one day

Who bench press the most in college football?

Trent Richardson

Who can bench press the most in WWE?

funaki or Michael cole

Who has done the most ever bench press reps of 450?

Arnold shwartzennager

How much can yao ming bench press?

Yao Ming is even stronger than most nfl players he bench presses 300 lb

Is 185 bench press good?

It all depends on how much you weigh. The ratio between how much you bench and how much you weigh is the most important aspect. If you weigh 120 and bench 185 its fantastic because your benching 1 1/2 times your weight. Anything over your own body weight is impressive.

How much can klitschko bench press?

(via his personal chef/training partner) "The most I saw Wlad bench was 395LBS. 4 times. When we lift the first 2 weeks in camp I lift with him. Usually the bench press gets up to 275LBS but he lifts it 20 times."

What is the most a male ever benched pressed?

Gene Rychlak had the heaviest bench press at 1010 pounds.

Which NFL quarterback can bench press the most?

Larry Allen from the Dallas Cowboys holds the biggest bench press outside of power lifting. He has bench pressed 700lbs.

What is the optimal bench bar path for maximizing strength and muscle gains during a bench press exercise?

The optimal bench bar path for maximizing strength and muscle gains during a bench press exercise is a straight line from the starting position to the chest and back up. This path allows for the most efficient use of muscle engagement and minimizes the risk of injury.

What is the most a chimpanzee bench press?

A healthy man can bench his own weight, the average being around 185 lbs. A gorilla, highland silverback, the biggest of the gorillas, is said to be between 12 and 20 times stronger than a man. Just multiply 185 by those figures and it will give a ball park figure of what a gorilla can do if taught to bench press. On the animal channel, it stated that a large male silverback gorilla has the strength to press over 4600 pounds.

What is the largest bench press?

On November 8, 2008, Ukrainian-American power lifter Ryan Kennelly set the world record bench press. Kennelly performed the record bench press of 1,075 pounds (489 kilograms) at the Pride Performance Strength Wars in Kennewick Washington. It was his third successful attempt of the day, with each attempt greater than 1,000 pounds. This lift bested his former bench press world record of 1,074 pounds (488 kilograms) at the United Powerlifting Association Bench Bash For Cash in Dubuque, Iowa (July 12, 2008). It was the fifth time in a row that Kennelly had bested the bench press record.