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Q: What are the examples of sports in flexibility?
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What are sports that do not require flexibility?

All sports in some way needs flexibility....... The amount it needs may vary.. But there is no sports without flexibility...

How important is flexibility in posture and sports?

flexibility in posture for sports is VERY VERY important. excpesialy when you are in gymnastics because to do all those flips and stuff you have to have good posture and a lot of flexibility. flexibility is also need for other sports such as soccer, cheer, football, softball, baseball, and basketball

What are the examples of flexibility?


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Are there any sports that heavily depend on flexibility?


What sport uses flexibility?

In gymnastics you need to use flexibility.

What are examples of flexibility exercises?

stretchingsingle hop

What are some sports that involve flexibility?

Dance, cheerleading, and gymnastics are all sports that focus heavily on flexibility, but all sports require flexibility to a degree. It helps you stay limber, which helps you keep moving and in shape, which is important to sports.

Effects of Sports?

This gives our body More flexibility and strength

What are some examples of flexibility activities that can help improve overall flexibility?

Some examples of flexibility activities that can help improve overall flexibility include yoga, Pilates, stretching exercises, and tai chi. These activities focus on increasing range of motion in the joints and muscles, which can lead to improved flexibility over time.

Why is flexiabilty important in sports?

There is alot of movement involved and most of the time you are using all of your muscles. If you don't stretch and work on your flexibility you probably will have cramps, and not be at your best at sports. You also will become sore with flexibility.

What are some examples of flexibility exercises?

Some examples of flexibility exercises include stretching, yoga, Pilates, and tai chi. These exercises help improve range of motion in joints and prevent injury.