Nolan Ryan struckout 5,714 batters in a career that spanned 1966, 1968-1993.
Nolan Ryan threw the most with 7 throughout his career.
Nolan Ryan allowed 2,795 career walks.
Nolan Ryan
Nolan Ryan has a career ERA of 3.19
Nolan Ryan had 5,714 career strikeouts.
Nolan Ryan had a career ERA of 3.19
Nolan Ryan threw the most with 7 throughout his career.
Nolan Ryan allowed 2,795 career walks.
Nolan Ryan
Nolan Ryan has a career ERA of 3.19
Nolan Ryan during his career pitched for both the Houston Astros and the Texas Rangers.
Nolan Ryan has the most career strikeouts with 5,714.
5,000 +
Nolan Ryan holds this record with seven career no-hitters.
Nolan Ryan is remembered for setting Major League records for career strikeouts (5,714) and no-hitters (7).