In the history of Major League Baseball as of 2009 there are 202 players with a career batting average of .300 or better.
Pudge Rodriquez
Scott skiles
Lou gehrig
Robert PArish played 21 seasons, longest in the NBA.
Nolan Ryan
In the history of Major League Baseball as of 2009 there are 202 players with a career batting average of .300 or better.
frank Roberson
He was a Major League Baseball player.
In 1974, Robin Yount became the youngest everyday player in baseball. He was 18 years old when he began his career with the Milwaukee Brewers.
Pudge Rodriquez
You need to have a college degree to get a job.Then,you need to have a career to become a professional baseball player.
The fattest or heaviest player in NBA history is Oliver Miller. He struggled with weight problems. He started in his career with a weight of 280 pounds and ballooned to 375 pounds during the peak of his career.
pete rose
Antonio Cromartie. He rushed 109 yards against the Minesonta Vikings after a field goal attempt. Besides it was the longest rush in NFL History.
Ozzie Smith had 8 home-runs in his career. He is a baseball player.
greg Ellis 98