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hit it with the outside of your foot on the left hand side of the ball

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in football when your about to kick the ball you have to flex and extend your allows you to bend and straighten (flexion and extension) the joint, for example, when kicking a ball in football, you bend your leg in preparation and then straighten your leg to kick the ballyour hinge joint is used in foot ball when kicking the ball

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Your tarsals and metatarsals are used when kicking a ball because they are in your foot

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It means kicking the ball with the foot.

How do you kick the perfect drop punt in afl?

Have your kicking foot a little ahead of the other foot when you receive the ball. As you are catching the ball, start your first step forward with your kicking foot and make the ball parallel to the ground turned to the inside just a bit. Then, step forward with your other foot and as it is landing on the ground, remove your opposite kicking foot's hand and raise it up(to keep balance). You should now be holding the ball with your hand that's on your kicking foot side, and then drop the ball straight down and meet the ball and follow your foot all the way through.

Good kick in soccer?

Stay over the ball. Place your non-kicking foot next to the ball. Then drive your kicking foot straight to the ball. Make sure you do not hit the ball with your toes. Use your hips to direct the ball to where you want it to go. Now you try.

What is the force of a foot kicking a soccer ball with the force of the soccer ball on the foot?

by applying force to the ball the ball will apply an equal and opposite force on the foot. when you kick the ball, the ball will move forward and your foot will move backward. this force is unnoticeable to the common person simply because we are not looking for it

Could you be a kicker in football if you play soccer?

you could, but the kicking technique of kicking a football on a stand and a soccer ball on the ground is different. in football you need to tilt your foot as far out as you can to get maximum distance, but in soccer if you kicked a hard ball as hard as you could like that you would probably break something. in soccer you need to make you foot curve around the ball for accuracy. you would have the power but not the right kicking technique.

How can you repair a resistive touch panel collapse?

by kicking it like a foot ball

What sports did Ghana do in Ghana?

foot ball and a kicking game called monveir.

How do you curve the soccer ball like David Beckham?

By kicking the ball slightly to the left or right of center, creating a clock-wise or counter clock-wise spin of the ball.

What type of energy is made when kicking a soccerball?

When kicking a soccer ball, mechanical energy is produced. This includes both the potential energy of the player's position before kicking the ball, as well as the kinetic energy generated as the ball is propelled forward by the player's foot.

What are the action and reaction forces when kicking a soccer ball?

the action force is your foot when u strike the ball the reaction force is the ball being kicked