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wind speed, how the ball spins in the air it hits turbulence causing movement, where u kick the ball causing bend, how much force you put on your plant foot as you kick the ball

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Q: What forces affect the motion if your kickin a ball?
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Related questions

What are some other forces that affect a ball?

Air resistance, gravity, friction with the ground, and the impact force from a collision with another object are all forces that can affect the motion of a ball.

What is the motion of a ball around a rod?

The motion would be circular characteristic of the centripital forces applied to the ball.

What are forces that produce motion?

Forces such as gravity, friction, magnetism, and applied forces can produce motion in objects. These forces can accelerate, decelerate, or change the direction of an object's motion depending on their magnitude and direction.

What kinds of energy that you use when you trow a ball?

When you throw a ball, you are mainly using kinetic energy from your muscles to accelerate the ball and potential energy stored in your muscles and in the ball as it reaches a higher position. These energies are converted into mechanical energy, resulting in the motion of the ball. Frictional forces and air resistance also affect the energy involved in the motion of the ball.

When a ball is pushed up hill what are the forces?

When a ball is pushed uphill, the main forces acting on it are the force applied by the person pushing the ball, which is in the direction of motion, and the force of gravity acting against the motion of the ball, which is pulling it downhill. Friction between the ball and the surface it is moving on also plays a role in resisting the motion.

Is the ball pen is at rest or in motion when the ball pen hanging on the yarn?

no,,, the ball pen is at rest or meaningful is sleep,,,thers no motion or forces acting on the ball pen when it hanging on to the yarn,,,,,,

What job uses forces and motion?

a footballer uses forces when he's kicking the ball

What are the forces pushing the ball up hill and the forces pulling the ball dowm?

The forces pushing the ball uphill are the external force or the force applied to the ball, which imparts energy to move it up, and the force of friction acting against the ball's motion. The forces pulling the ball downhill include gravity, which pulls the ball downwards, and potentially air resistance if applicable.

What are three contact forces that can change the motion of a ball?

force,motion,and friction

How do you kick a free kickin soccer?

You kick the ball. That's how.

What two forces happen when catching a ball?

When catching a ball, two forces are at play: a force of gravity pulling the ball downward and a force exerted by the hand or glove pushing the ball upward to stop its motion. The interaction between these two forces determines the speed and direction at which the ball is caught.

Is a ball on the ground a projectile?

No, a ball on the ground is not considered a projectile. In physics, a projectile is an object that is in motion and is only subject to gravity and air resistance. A ball on the ground is not in motion and is not being acted upon by external forces.