By kicking the ball slightly to the left or right of center, creating a clock-wise or counter clock-wise spin of the ball.
== == == == To curve a soccer ball, you have to approach the ball at an angle, while placing your planting foot (the left, if you're right-footed, or vice-versa) facing the target. When you kick, kick with your big toe or instep and the ball will spin. Combining this with a well-placed loft and power will make it curve. David Beckham has been playing for 15+ years and his beautiful curves are due to his amazing skills with a dead ball (direct/indirect free kick, penalty shot, etc.). He has a kick, dubbed "the Beckham" in which he lifts the ball over the "wall," sends it towards the far post, but bends it back to the near post. This confuses the goaltender and the ball just dips under the bar for the goal.
you kick the ball on the bottom side with the upper inside of your shoe
for a ball to curve right you hit it on the bottom left and follow through to the left and to make it curve left you kick it on the bottom right and follow through towards the outside. Adidas also claims that with their cleat, the predator powerswerve, you can curve the ball better
Well that depends on what type of bend you want (and this will be for right footers)
Inside: If you want an inside bend, the way Nakamura does it, you need to kick the ball like your passing it... sorta. Do not hit the ball with your instep (the inside part of your foot about half way up your foot to your toe) but square in the center of the inside of your foot. As you do this swing your leg to the left.
OutsideL If you want an outside bend, the way Roberto Carlos does it, is with an inside out shot. With this you gotta go really fast. Hit the ball as you usually would, with the instep, but before the ball leaves you need to have followed through enough so that the last place of your foot the ball touches is the outside of your foot. So try to slice the ball so that your foot starts hitting the ball with the inside and ends hitting with the outisde.
Hope that's not too complicated :)
To curve it right to left, hit the ball with the inside of your foot on the bottom right hand side of the ball.
To curve the ball left to right, hit the ball with the outside of your foot, on the bottom left of the ball.
Yes that's correct,but if you want more power hit it with the tip of your foot.
To be a good midfielder, you must past the ball to your teammates and try to get the ball to the goal. Good examples of players like this are David Beckham and Xabi Alonso.
The curve on the ball.
This is not religious. It is referring to David Bekham, a famous MLS soccer play for the Los Angelos Galaxy. He invented the curve ball, that "bends". It is a difficult skill to maneuver, but the object is to kick the ball so it curves around opposing players as you are passing, or the goalie when you're shooting.
david charles
Controlling the ball with proper foot work is essential to playing soccer. Playing well with others, heading the ball since using hands is not allowed, and trapping the ball which helps gain control of the game, are the most basic skills.
maybe....just leave me alone
The British Soccer star is known to have anti racist views. Beckham has displayed a high standard of personal probity on & off the field in his career. A specialist at the 'dead ball' situation in soccer he had a great career with Manchester United. He has a high profile marriage to former Spice Girl Victoria, nee Adams.
David Trezguet at 98mph
Soccer is a well-known sport, played in many countries around the world. Outside of the United States, it is usually known as "football". There have been several famous soccer players, such as David Beckham and Pelé. The black-and-white pattern on a soccer ball is very easy to recognize. F$$$ U B***** you guys are all ass*****
you hit da ball with ur pinky, ring, and middle fingers which makes the ball curve in the air ~Manny Contreras
David Goldblatt has written: 'The ball is round' -- subject(s): History, Soccer, Soccer players, OverDrive, Nonfiction, Sports & Recreations 'The soccer book' -- subject(s): Soccer