You have to buy an E-grip for your marker, that will give it full auto capability.
A Tippmann carver one with e trigger.
yep, the a5 and x7 and 98 tippmann response trigger, it runs off air and can shoot full auto.
No, It is Semi automatic mechanical. You can buy and electric trigger that allows for full auto.
a mod were they replace the weapons with paintball guns
yes, with the e-trigger you will able to shoot: semi, burst and full auto
Of course you can if you have to, but it would not service its purpose (to feed the marker faster) without full auto, so i would get a virtue board, or an electronic trigger if you want to have full auto, and of course have a electronic loader.
Spyder Vs1's are Semi-auto uncapped and 3 round burst. With about 70 extra dollars you can upgrade to a Tadoo Board, which allows NPPL, NXL, Full Auto, 15 round semi, etc. If you want full auto go with an Ion or possibly an Epiphany.
hello this is a good midrange gun and yes it will shoot semi auto but if you live in the UK then it will only shoot semi auto if it is also bought in the UK it will only shoot semi auto too because that is the law as in other countries it is legal for it to shoot full auto.
First off, I would not suggest the installation of any red dot or optic sights on any paintball marker unless mil-sim appearances are very important to you. Paintball markers are simply not accurate enough to justify sights, which only add weight to an already heavy marker. With that said, full auto can be obtained 2 ways. The first is the buy the E-Grip which is a simple grip replacement upgrade with multiple fire modes including full auto. Be aware that battery changing is a pain on this module. You can buy if for around $99 or less. The other way is to spend about $60 and get the Response Trigger, which speeds up your semi auto and has a "sweet spot" where the trigger will bounce and create auto fire. While not a true auto fire mode, this trigger allows you to play on fields that ban full auto mode guns.
A tap trigger is similar to a response trigger. As you push the trigger back, the trigger shoots forward with a bit of weight. This allows to fire in full auto much easier.
The E-grip is a Tippman specific accessory. It means that the can shoot electronically. Some E-Grips provide full-auto or burst modes as well as semi-automatic.