yep, the a5 and x7 and 98 tippmann response trigger, it runs off air and can shoot full auto.
Yes it can. One of the many features that come with the egrip are multiple modes. Not only is full auto in it, but so is semi, and three shot burst.
The E-grip is a Tippman specific accessory. It means that the can shoot electronically. Some E-Grips provide full-auto or burst modes as well as semi-automatic.
The standard alpha black is semi auto mechanical. The egrip is electrically assisted with full auto and burst.
a mod were they replace the weapons with paintball guns
Without an e trigger or responce trigger it will only shoot semi automatically.
You have to buy an E-grip for your marker, that will give it full auto capability.
It can be purchased as either fully auto or semi auto.
Of course you can if you have to, but it would not service its purpose (to feed the marker faster) without full auto, so i would get a virtue board, or an electronic trigger if you want to have full auto, and of course have a electronic loader.
A Tippmann carver one with e trigger.
A rechargable deep cycle battery can be fully discharged without damaging the battery. Any auto battery cannot be discharged without damaging the battery. Any dry cell rechargable battery can be fully discharged without damaging the battery.
When you pull down the trigger once and it shoots the maximum balls per second