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Not that many. The average male can bench 50kg. Not that many go to the gym anyway, and even of the ones that do go less than 25% can bench that I would say (over the age of 18 I am talking).

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But from my own experience I easily attained a 200 pound benchpress.

I was about 18,almost 19 when I did that and I started lifting when I was 18.

I didn't train seriously at all and ate crappy food and was even inactive for some

periods playing Video Games.

I didn't do squats or deadlifts,just some Martial Arts to work the legs.

I dont think a 200 pound bench is that rare,I barely had to do any serious work at

the gym or nutrition-wise to attain it.

And my starting bench was 175,I think there is some variation of what a normal man can bench.

But it can depend on a persons body type as well,a mesomorph or an endomorph can attain a 200 pound benchpress easier than an ectomorph.

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12y ago
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Connor Fuhrmann

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1y ago
Nonsense... the average man can barely bench press 100 lbs. Have you seen newbies at the gym? A 200 lb. bench is almost exclusively the accomplishment of someone who regularly goes to the gym or is active in resistance training.
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15y ago

In high school in the 80's it was 1/50 guys -- and that was only the guys that lifted weights every day. It's probably less than 0.5% of the general male population. Many are old, young, fat, skinny, diseased, or totally out of shape. It's a silly exercise anyway, why guys want to build up their bosom is something that has never been understood.

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14y ago

I have come to the conclusion that no real study has been done on the subject however from the research I've done on my own I have found that regardless of body weight orpower-lifters only approx 10-15 percent can bench 300 or more. I know it sounds low considering power-lifters can be in the 400-1000 pound range but there are not a lot of power-lifters out there. Hope this helps

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15y ago

One has to remember that a typical man who does not train with weights can not even bench press his own weight. I've been going to gym's all my life and the number of people in each gym who bench press 300+ pounds regularly I can count on my fingers. Of course this excludes professional athlete's but even in pro sports that require a lot of raw power like NFL there are a number of athlete's who can't bench this much (just look at the combine numbers for some of the WR's & CB's). Therefore, I'd guess no more than 15%

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12y ago

Does it matter? Any guy can bench 300 pounds if they just keep going on with their strength training and going to the gym regularly. Oh, not to mention if they're eating right. And it also depends on their height too.

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12y ago

I bench pressed 300 lbs at the age of 61 and a body weight of 195.

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Not many!

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Q: What percentage of men can bench press 200 pounds?
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Im 16 years old 6 foot exactly and i can bench 200pounds is this above average or what?

well you're above average that you can bench press 200 pounds. that's really good.

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OK this is my first question I am answering but honestly i rarely ever see anyone 130 bench over 200 pounds but some short people such as myself can bench 250 pounds and weigh 132 pounds. i am sure there are people in this world able to bench 300 weighing in at 130 or so.

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a 16 year old should be lifting in his bench press around 150 and 200 pounds, if you bench within these numbers than your in pretty good shape. But if were talking about squating it should be around 200 threw 250 pounds , but most 16 year olds barely squat as much as bench.

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Judging by his incredible size and power these are his numbersBench Press:480 pounds to 560 pounds Squat:700-845 pounds Deadlift 750-850 pounds

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Don't know what the answer is for the average, but I will be 63 this year and can bench 200 lbs.

How much can a freshman bench press?

that all depends on your bady structure build and how often and how much you exersice but do not push yourself over your own limit... I would say for a guy 80-150lbs and girl 40-120 I agree somewhat with the above answer, but 120 for a freshman girl is ALOT. Any woman who can legitamately bench press that, regardless of her age, has my wicked respect. I know some guys who, as freshmen, could bench press 345 pounds, while weighing 240. But others I knew bench pressed only the bar, so i agree there is a wide range of capability. I would say that a very impressive bench press for a freshman male is 200 pounds and up. For a girl, 90 pounds and up is similiarly impressive. Boy, the above poster sure has some high expectations in the bench press..... >.<

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okay,. none of that really matters, there are guys out there that are 150 that can bench over 200 pounds and guys out there that are 300 pounds that coulde barely lift 100 pounds. Its all about your training and nutrition.

What is the most a chimpanzee bench press?

A healthy man can bench his own weight, the average being around 185 lbs. A gorilla, highland silverback, the biggest of the gorillas, is said to be between 12 and 20 times stronger than a man. Just multiply 185 by those figures and it will give a ball park figure of what a gorilla can do if taught to bench press. On the animal channel, it stated that a large male silverback gorilla has the strength to press over 4600 pounds.