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You should not take a protein shake right before working out. Your muscles are made of mostly of protein. When you work-out your muscles tare, drinking protein IMMEDIATLY after your work-out fills in these tares which rebuilds your muscles. If you want to drink something before your work-out try something high in carbohydrates that will give you more energy and make working out less of a hassle. Keep in mind your body can only take in 21 grams of protein every three hours, any more than that will be filtered out by your kidneys. If your taking in way to much protein it can cause kidney problems. There are some protein supliments that allow your body to take in more protein than its supposed to. These can be found at any Walmart or GNC.

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Depending on what sport you are doing, it ranges from 20 to 60 grams. If you are playing American Football or Rugby, and you need to pack on muscle mass, you are looking at keeping closet fulls of the stuff, in addition to basically having an all protein diet, all while brutalizing your body with both weight training and cals. Professional bodybuilders, to pack on muscle mass, consume unbelievable amounts of protein, and they combine calisthenics with weight training, you can imagine how painful their training is. That is, immediately after doing 100, sometimes 200 pushups in a row, pro bodybuilders will then proceed to do reps on the bench press. The ones who are juicing, the ones doing stereoids, will do 500 push ups in a row, and proceed to hit the bench, and end up with a severe case of "gym euphoria;" you can tell a man is juicing, if he spends 8 hours straight lifting weights. The reason steroids cause gym Euphoria, is the oxygen inbalance caused in the muscles. See, of all the body's tissues, skeletal muscle is by far the most oxygen greedy; when muscles grow faster than what the lungs can keep up, they soak up so much oxygen, that the only way the body can get rid of excess carbon dioxide is, you guessed it, brutal exercise, constant huffing and puffing. Over time, the oxygen inbalance will end up damaging an even more oxygen greedy body system, namely, the central and peripheral nervous systems. If skeletal muscle is oxygen greedy, the central nervous system is even more so; a single nerve cell, has 14 mitochondrion, whereas average body cells of other tissues only have 2 or 3. In other words, the brain, which contains neurons packing 14 to 20 mitochondrion each, along with the rest of the nervous system, is by far the most oxygen greedy body system. The disruption of oxygen balanced caused by too-rapid muscle growth due to 'roids, will over time, wear down the nervous system, and when that happens, the ensuing side effects will result in the death of your dong, and possibly, even have more serious, fatal consequences. Testosterone is a neurotoxic poison, and the reason it does not outright kill men, is because believe it or not, muscle helps keep it balanced, provided muscles get constant use, everything is fine. However, put that stuff in your blood stream, more than what the body makes, and there's hell to pay. Another thing that is a neurotoxic poison is adrenalin, which is activated every time you engage in vigorous exercise. The only way the toxicity of adrenaline, and testosterone can be counteracted, is by keeping a high and constant supply of oxygen. An oxygen inbalanced caused by testosterone and adrenaline poisoning, will, over enough time, prove fatal. More than give you man boobs, steroids will in time, kill you. Protein intake, is also rooted in how you're built; if you're a big dude seeking to pack on mass, you are looking at a whopping 80 grams. Again though, if you are planning on consuming vast quantities of supplements, and making an outright dietary change, you have to brutalize your body otherwise, that protein just ends up being flushed down the toilet. Simple common sense here, your body will not absorb protein, if it sees no reason to. If you do not train hard enough, and push yourself hard enough, not only will the supplements not work, protein and other supplements will make you pack on fat, not muscle. The supplement companies who make them, and the bodybuilding text and lay books that promote supplement use, all operate under the assumption, that you will really push yourself. If you are still a teenager, when lifting weights, take it only to the point of burn; you should not push your body hard, until you turn 18 and are fully grown. At 18 though, begining a supplementation, you have to brutalize your body at the gym, every day, work in burnout sets. If you do not wish for supplements to make you fat, if you want to pack on muscle quickly, rather than fat, you must do burnout sets, lift and lift until you feel that "icy" burn, which is the most painful burn of all. You know, when you push your muscles so hard they feel like ice? If you push yourself to that point, the pain is so unimaginable, you have to shut it out. That is what "the governator" meant in his Encyclopedia of Bodybuilding, when he talked about "the mind giving up before the body does." More than protein, remember, the companies are operating under the assumption, you are pushing your limits. However do not attempt it, until you've turned 18. If you are already in your 20's, protein intake depends on how you're built. If you are a small dude, only 15 grams or so will do, 3 times daily with meals, if you are medium sized, 20 to 25 grams, if you are big, 40 to 60, for a reliable chart, you need to consult your GNC sales rep. Usually GNC has well informed people regarding those matters. If you are seeking to pack on the pounds though, muscle wise, you need a protein diet, ridiculous amounts of protein, relatively low carbs, and an inhumanly brutal weight training schedule, that involves you lifting until you feel that "ice pick" stab in the muscles you are working. The infamous "ice pick" burn; very few people who weight train, are masochistic enough to push themselves that hard, every time they lift. [[User:|]]stardingo747

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15y ago

After a workout, within 30 minutes of when you are done working out, it is ideal to consume both protein and carbs, usually in a ratio of between 3 to 1 and 4 to 1 (120 g of carbs and 40 g of protein is usually sufficient for a 170 pound guy). It is better to get the protein and carbs from natural sources, but this can be difficult given the great amounts that need to be consumed in a small time, so supplements can be helpful.

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within the first 15 minutes

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Q: Should you take protein after lifting?
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What should you do right after you finish lifting weights to gain muscle?

Protein Protein Protein. It will be your #1 friend in helping you gain muscle. After finishing lifting, take in protien. Protien is THE building block for optimal muscle growth.

Protein before or after workouts?

Yes you will still gain muscle. If you eat during the day your body takes in protein. This alone will help muscle recover and build mass. While taking in protein immediatly after lifting will help promote muscle growth, protein taken in while eating throughout the day will also help

When should you take protein?

Everyone should eat foods rich in protein daily, but those who are attempting to build muscles often take extra protein supplements. When building muscles, protein should be taken throughout the day, and is effective taken before or after workouts.

Should you take whey protein before or after workouts?

both protein helps before and after

You are a football player and curious when lifting if you should drink a protein shake before or after your lifting?

There seems to be some conflicting thoughts on this, but what I have taken from it is the following: You need something before hand - maybe a 60/40 combination of protein/carbs (very little fat). Afterwards is of course essential to getting some protein in the anabolic window, and this would be a good time for the protein shake. Add a few carbs with that and you'll be fine.

Should you take whey protein after cardio?


When should you inhale and exhale while lifting?

You should exhale when lifting and inhale your resetting

What to drink after lifting?

Chocolate Milk is great because of all the protein and taste. But if you are serious enough then Protein shakes are the way to go.

Why do bodybuilders eat items with a lot of protein?

After lifting the amount of weight that these bodybuilders have been lifting, the muscles that they have been targeting get tiny tears in them. The protein refills these tears and make the muscles recover more quickly and add mass.

Should you take protein at all?

You absolutely must have proteins in your diet, but protein supplements such as protein shakes and protein bars are not necessary if enough protein is consumed through normal food sources.

What amount of creatine should you take for just maintenance?

There is no such thing as maintenance with creatine. If you are not working out, you should stop taking creatine. Even if you are following a maintenance program for your workout (lifting with less intensity or lifting fewer times), you should stop creatine consumption.

Are there any diets which can help you build butt muscle?

There arin't any diets to build muscle alone..If you're working out and lifting weight then you should be on a high protein diet.