You absolutely must have proteins in your diet, but protein supplements such as protein shakes and protein bars are not necessary if enough protein is consumed through normal food sources.
Everyone should eat foods rich in protein daily, but those who are attempting to build muscles often take extra protein supplements. When building muscles, protein should be taken throughout the day, and is effective taken before or after workouts.
both protein helps before and after
A 16 year old can absolutely take protein shakes for fitness. They are safe and they provide nutrients all ages need. Nothing will hurt a young person in these shakes.
A good protein shake should have at least 30g of protein per serving. For body builders this usually who usually take two servings at a time, will get 60g per shake.
Milk intake is a source of protein. Bodybuilders should take in approximately one gram of protein per pound of body weight. Check the grams of protein on your milk serving and adjust accordingly, if you take in no other proteins.
Tofu has protein as well as nuts, rice and vegetables. There should be no reason why a vegan would not consume enough protein out of their normal foods. It should not be necessary to take supplements although these are available from most health shops.
Yes you should try to take a protein shake as soon as you have finished any exercise as it helps to maintain your muscle and can also aid weight loss.
Yes it's safe to take both creatine and protein together, but if I could recommend a great stack you should try Protein, creatine and Glutamine all together and you will see some great results with your workouts. On my website we have many body builders and health and wellness people that take this stack all the time.Have you tried adding more carbs to your diet? if your are low on carbs that will also prevent your muscle bulding.
your daily protein intake should be 1 to 1.5 grams of your bodyweight which means 240-360 grams....after workout you should take about 50-60 grams of protein(not protein powder,while 50-60 grams of protein powder do not provide 50-60 grams of protein but less, since the protein powder is not only protein)...
if u r working out and have agood diat as well its should be ok
50 - 60