A ten year old should not be focused on getting ripped but staying healthy is important. If they are overweight, or just unhealthy they should be encouraged into physical activity, preferably a sport they enjoy
i think that he should start off with 100 lbs but in the end, he should be able to bench 200. some where near his weight.
they say you should be able to bench your own weight but if you have been training for awhile your muscles will let you bench a lot more than your weight.
a typical seventh grager should be able to bench press 125. Although there are bigger kids and if you are bigger then 195 you should be able to bench 155 or 160
about 7 stone im 13 and can bench press 10-11 stone and that's quite a bit above average.
Me, 220 pounds in the 148 class, RAW (without bench shirt) too. But it's unofficial
a 14 year old boy shouldn't workout too much as his muscles are still forming and growing. Exercises that will help to enlarge the pecks are barbell bench press, incline barbell bench press, decline barbell bench press, and decline dumbbell bench press.
The average 18 year old female in good shape should be able to lift at least 30 pounds with no effort. To bench press, it should be anywhere between 20 to 50 pounds.
If you are 12 you should be able to do atleast 15 to 25, i hope this helps
a 16 year old should be lifting in his bench press around 150 and 200 pounds, if you bench within these numbers than your in pretty good shape. But if were talking about squating it should be around 200 threw 250 pounds , but most 16 year olds barely squat as much as bench.
If your strong 50 lbs.
Doesn't matter, you do what you can do and that's the end of it.