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You start off light don't over due it when I started I began with some nice reasonable weight and went for high reps to get the muscles used to the resistance as you advance you should keep increasing your weight once you feel more ease with your reps increase the weight. And take good supplements like protein powder and eat healthy all of this is key.

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12y ago

You get weights and lift them or join a sport/ training group

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Q: How do you start weight lifting?
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What size weights should a fourteen year old use?

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No, boxing is not weight lifting

At what age do a person starts lifting weight?

They should start at age 18 or older

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During the first International Olympics back in 1896.

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If you are not in the best of health, weight lifting could be life threatening to you. See your Doctor for a health exam before you start any exercise regimen.

In starting a lifting program where do you start lifting?

first you should max out on the lifts you plan on doing. then you will know how much you need to do to attain a higher weight.

What are some guidelines for weight lifting?

Start with an empty bar, increase the weight by 2.5kg/5lbs each workout. You'll get stronger as the weight increases

What is power in weight lifting?

To be honest, I'm just starting out in weight lifting. But to me, power, as it relates to weight lifting, is the ability to consistently lift a given amount of weight.

What is the controlled breathing technique when weight lifting?

breath out when lifting and breath in while you lower the weight