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During the first International Olympics back in 1896.

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Q: When did weight lifting start at the Olympics?
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What are the lifts in weight lifting?

snatch and the clean and jerk in the olympics

What events were in the first Olympics?

running, swimming,weight lifting

What is Armenia doing in the Olympics?

Mostly weight lifting, wrestling and boxing.

What events are part of the Olympics?

weight lifting and other track and field games and shooting

Why is soccer in the Olympics?

Omg soccer is one of the no. 1 top sports practically everyone plays it. If they have weight lifting in the Olympics why would they not have soccer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Is weight lifting the strongest event in Olympics?

It depends because in most events you have to be strong in a different kind of way.

What size weights should a fourteen year old use?

Start lifting with what you are comfortable with and then gradually start adding weight. Ex. start lifting 5lb, next week (or every other week) make it a 10lb weight

When did weight begin?

I start weight lifting very earlier,but for a very short period of time[month]....

How do I learn weight lifting without injuring myself?

To learn weight lifting without injuring yourself you will need to start slowing in the beginning. Do not attempt to much weight to begin with and slowly add more.

Is boxing weight lifting?

No, boxing is not weight lifting

At what age do a person starts lifting weight?

They should start at age 18 or older

When did weight lifting become popular in America?

I start weight lifting very earlier,but for a very short period of time[month]....