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If the trucks use 8mm bearings (probably do, most of them do) then yes.

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Q: Can you put Ryan sheckler sawbalde bearings in longboard wheels?
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Related questions

Will longboard wheels fit on normal double kick trucks?

Yes, just swap your bearings from skate wheels to longboard wheels, its all the same.

Do all bearings fit with all wheels on a longboard?

For the most part they should, unless the trucks say it needs 10 mm bearings then it will fit. Most trucks use 8 mm bearings.

What is faster skateboard or longboard?

It's not actually the size of the skateboard that matter's, its the ball bearings the wheels have inside them. Cheap bearings that come with cheap walmart/warehouse boards almost always go slowly, were as proper bearings from your local skate shop will go a lot faster.

How fast does a longboard go flatland?

The speed of a longboard on flatland has more than just how fast you push in consideration. The quality of the wheels is important, as well as how maintained the bearings are, the road condition, and how much wind or force keeping you back there is. A smooth road with harder wheels is faster than a rocky road with hard wheels. Also, soft wheels are slower than hard wheels on most surfaces. Then you have to judge how hard you can push.

What wheel company sponsors Ryan Sheckler?

Bones wheels sponsers Ryan sheckler

What do they call a surfboard on wheels?

A longboard or hamboard.

What wheels does Ryan sheckler have?

Plan B

What wheels look better on the Jake's longboard?

Spitfire wheels look the best....

What type of wheels can you put on a penny board?

Longboard wheels have a small hub, or core, inside it. Skateboard wheels also have this. This allows you to put bearings inside of both of them and can interchange what trucks you put on it. Generally, longboard wheels fit on normal skateboard trucks but a problem you will encounter is wheelbite. You may need to sand the board for wheel wells or put big risers on your board. Another solution is buying harder bushings for less turn and lean.

What are the best longboard wheels you can buy?

Chicken nuts

What is the effect of friction on different sizes of longboard wheels?

depending on the sises of the wheels will shrink

If you slided on a longboard What is the best wheels for it?

purple orangutans are good