Longboard wheels have a small hub, or core, inside it. Skateboard wheels also have this. This allows you to put bearings inside of both of them and can interchange what trucks you put on it. Generally, longboard wheels fit on normal skateboard trucks but a problem you will encounter is wheelbite. You may need to sand the board for wheel wells or put big risers on your board. Another solution is buying harder bushings for less turn and lean.
Well first you have to have metall or pipe or something that you could put a bunch of wheels on. Then comes the structure you may want to make a type of platform for the launch. here comes the hard part the cart now the cart has to at least have 4 wheels like a sc8 board. put the sc8 board on the track and watch it fly!
if you start out plain you pick out a deck you want. get it gripped up and then your gonna need some hardware and trucks you want for your board. put the trucks on the bottom of the board and fasten the hardware in as well, tighten til you think its perfect. the grab some wheels and bearings put the bearings in the wheels and screw the wheels onto the trucks. when that's finished go hit up the streets on your new board.
because when skate boards where invented they put bars on it then took two wheels off the skate board then could it a scooter
Discount Tire, at (see related link) lets you see the wheels on your vehicle and in the basic colors.
because when skate boards where invented they put bars on it then took two wheels off the skate board then could it a scooter
you put them on the bottom or you take off the grip tape and them on top
Answer:Outdoor wheels are more rubbery and grippy and indoors are hard plastic
Ok, some guy decided to put a wooden stick on a board with 2 wheels and 1 had a brake on it in......... 2011
To make a dynamo you will first need a small hobby motor that has some type of wheel on the shaft. Mount the motor on a board. Mount a larger wheel onto a pin on the same board. Put a handle on the bigger of the two wheels. Place a rubber band around the two wheels and begin turning the handle you installed. Install a voltage regulator on the positive wire that will stop overloading from your power supply.
you mean trucks and yes you can but the easier way is to put a bearing onto a truck then push the wheels onto the bearing
What penny! :) Ebay most likely. Put on the description "lucky penny"