

Why does a basketball have to be filled with air?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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Because it will not be able to bounce which is important and i can be kids heavy is not all the way pumped

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Q: Why does a basketball have to be filled with air?
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Why does a basketball need to be filled with air?

A basketball needs to be filled with air because if you didn't it wouldn't bounce.

Why is a basketball bouncy?

Because, you see, the basketball is filled with AIR. Which makes it bounce.

Is a basketball a solid or gas?

both because basketball is hard and it air.

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Basketball Submarine floating on water a car tire filled with air your lungs filled with air

Can a basketball sink under water?

Basketballs are filled with air, and won't sink w/o some serious help.

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There is usually between 10 and 13 psi (pounds per square inch) of pressure in a soccer ball.

What does the air in a basketball do?

The air in a basketball lets the basketball bounce.

How are the physical properties of an orange different from those of a basketball?

-- Basketballs are much larger in size than oranges. -- Basketballs are filled with air, but oranges are filled with juice and pulp. -- Basketballs have much higher air pressure than oranges. -- Oranges grow on trees while basketballs are manufactured. -- The density of an orange is much greater than the density of a basketball. -- An orange is juicy, easy to chew, and sweet, whereas a basketball is dry, rubbery, and tastes terrible. -- A basketball can bounce and a orange cannot bounce.

What is a soccer ball filled with?

It is filled with air. A soccer ball is filled with foam. Air

How much air pressure does a baseball have?

A baseball is not inflate-able like a basketball, football, soccerball, volleyball or tennisball. Those particular balls are hollow with air. A baseball and softball are filled with cork and string.

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It is filled with heated air. Since air is mostly nitrogen, a hot air balloon is mostly filled with nitrogen.

Is hot air balloons filled with helium?

No, it is filled with heated air.