There is usually between 10 and 13 psi (pounds per square inch) of pressure in a soccer ball.
A Basketball need a lot of air because if it does not have any air how can it bounce.
A standard kickball typically weighs between 8 to 10 ounces.
In kickball, the ball is rolled down to home plate and you have to kick the ball. In softball, the ball is thrown underhand and you have to hit it with your bat. Sometimes in kickball, you can get pegged which is when they chuck the ball and you, in softball that's not allowed. Also in kickball, the ball is made of rubber, in softball its much harder and dangerous.
Kickball is generally one word, occasionally it is seen hyphenated
Actully there is no specific names in kickball Kickball is just for fun.
any ball will do
kickball is so popular because teachers make us play it in P.E
A kickball field is the same as a baseball feild, or at least the way I play it at my school.
Anyone who wants to!
nicholas seuss