On the field (best kind), the ice, gym floor, or pavement.
Field Hockey, at the higher levels is normally played on a turf field. High schools normally will play on grass.
Children in India play cricket and field hockey. Field hockey is more of an popular sport than cricket in India.
I believe the first kind of hockey was played on feet, not skates, it was called shinny. They played with some type of wooden block (similar to a puck), or some type of ball. An unlimited amount of people played. The oldest type of hockey is field hockey. There is an ancient Greek frieze depicting two field hockey players at Olympia, Greece.
The game of hockey is a very popular sport. The game of hockey requires one to chase a puck around the field with a stick, scoring goals against the opposing team.
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What already existed was baseball, basketball, field hockey, football and soccer was invented in the 1960's and lacrosse in the 1970's.
Whoever makes the rules, must apply them to everyone who works in that field. It should almost to never just apply to one or a group of people. That's not how the working field was supposed to be runned. whoever makes that kind of rules, only to one or a group of people shouldn't be able to work
The currency in the Republic of Ireland is the Euro.
What kind of stupid question is that you can play hockey anywhere with anything
none. that's why it's called STREET hockey