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On the field (best kind), the ice, gym floor, or pavement.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

In an Ice Hockey rink.

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Q: Where do hockey players play?
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Do hockey players that play in the western hockey league get paid?


Do Field Hockey players play with a hard ball?

yes, hockey players do play with a hard ball. It is smooth depending on the brand e.g - kookaburra

What gear do hockey players where?

nothing...they play naked

Why do hockey players have to play on ice?

You don't have to just play on ice,you can play street hockey,Toledo Ohio has a huge street hockey i play in and its real fun. and you can do field hockey,so there are many ways.

Why do certain hockey teams have considerably more players than others?

Some hockey teams might have better hockey areas to play on and have a better chance to win. Some people might not know how to play hockey and that is why some teams are lacking hockey players.

Do you get paid to play ice hockey?

I don't, professional players do.

What is the method by two players to restart play in field hockey?


How many Canadian hockey players play hockey for the Boston bruins?

as of today april 6, 18.

How much did olympic hockey players get paid to play?

they don't get paid to play in the olympics. it is a privalege to play

Do NHL hockey players still play if they're sick?


Do NHL hockey players get paid to play for team Canada?


How many of the Olympic hockey players went on to play pro hockey?

they all were already playing pro hockey before they goined the olymics.