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What kind of stupid question is that you can play hockey anywhere with anything

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Q: Do people play hockey in the island of Malta?
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Why hockey is useful?

it entertains people and people who play hockey get really strong and fit

Where did the tempest occur?

Do you mean the play, or the storm which starts the play? Either way, it is an island in the Mediterranean somewhere, possibly near Malta.

Were do people play hockey?

At ice rinks

What sports do Calgary people play?


What sports do people play in Manitoba?

hockey is the major sport

Is hockey a year around sport?

it can be. usually though most people play ice hockey in the winter and only seldomly play road/ roller hockey in the summer

How did they invented hockey?

people would play hockey with a stick and a rock shuffling it around like in hockey. hope this helps

What would people call hockey if hockey pucks weren't invented?

Hockey. Pucks were invented for ice hockey, and if it hadn't developed, more people would simply play field hockey (the original way of playing hockey).

How many people play hockey in mass?

A lot

What sports do the Alice spring's people play?


Who uses hockey?

people that want to play the sport

How many seasons are there in hockey?

There are 2 winter hockey (field hockey) wich most people play and there is summer hockey but in Perth I would recommend don't play in the summer you will be like a sizzling sausage