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mate, thats not possible to find out

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Q: How many athletes were injured from during the Olympic Games or while training for the Olympic Games?
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How will the Olympic athletes travel during the 2012 Olympics?


Where do athletes live during the Olympics games?

In the Olympic Village.

What nation's athletes are always the first to enter the Olympic stadium during the winter games?

Greek Athletes.

What is the athlete Olympic Village used for?

The Olympic village is used for homing the participating athletes during the games.

Where did the athletes stay during the ancient olympic games?

At your mommas house

Are Olympic athletes given a stipend during the actual competition?

Yes, they are.

How much do the athletes spend during the Olympic games?

That would depend on how much the athlete has

What was the only sport that athletes participated in during the first Olympic games?

Disk throwing

The Olympic oath was first taken during which Olympic Games?

The Olympic Oath for athletes was first taken at the 1920 Games in Antwerp and the Olympic Oath for judges was first taken at the 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich.

Do Athletes in endurance sports need more protein than athletes in attempting to build strength?

Both athletes need almost equivalent portions of protein during the training phase. This is because protein is used primarily to repair the damage to muscle fibers during training. Endurance athletes and strength athletes damage their muscles in different ways however, which leads to the formation of differing types of musculature.

When did the olympic tradition of having all athletes enter together during the closing ceremonies begin?

1956 in Melbourne, Australia.

Where will the athletes stay during the 2008 Olympics?

The Olympic Village where the athletes will stay is being constructed on the north side of the city of Beijing near many of the the city's historic sites.