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Yes because the longer your finger is the more grip you have

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Q: Does the length of your fingers affect how far you throw a football?
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Do you throw the football with the laces on the palm of your hand or on your fingers?

you throw it with your fingers on the laces

Does gear affect a football throw?

the gear that affects a football throw would be the shoulder pads because when you throw a ball your shoulder will rotate and when your shoulder pads are there then it interferes with your arm and shoulder

What is the best way to throw a football?

Turn your hips and flick ur fingers on the ball so itll have a spiral

What makes a football spin?

A football is spiraled by the position your hand is place on the ball. Your fingers have to be placed on the laces of the ball and u must overhead throw while flicking your wrist.

Do football cliques or shoes affect the throw of an football?

Yes,it helps and give off better friction to give the ball to the player.

Does hand size have an affect on how far you throw a football?

Nope, i have a friend with huge hands who sucks at trowing a football. I also have a friend who has smaller hands but is better.

How do girls throw a football?

The same way that males throw an (American?) football.

What determines piston stroke?

Both con-rod length and shape of the crankshaft affect piston stroke

Which is easier to throw a baseball or a football?


How do you say I like to throw and catch a football?

I say it this way: "I like to throw and catch a football."

How do you throw a good pass in football?

all you need to do is keep your eye on the person you are passing to and have your fingers on the white part of the foot ball good luck! and thanks for asking wikianswers!

What percent of girls can throw a football?

no very many about 30% can throw a football really good. Hope this helped!!(: