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A football is spiraled by the position your hand is place on the ball. Your fingers have to be placed on the laces of the ball and u must overhead throw while flicking your wrist.

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The shape of the football.

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Q: What makes a football spin?
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How much Spin does a Football has?

the spin of a football makes the football more aerodynamic, meaning that it can go farther than with out the spin by "cutting" through the air

What makes a football fly?

How forceful a player throws the ball: here's the equation:(Force = mass of football x acceleration due to gravity). The football flies because a spin is put on it. This spiral action makes it more aerodynamic and it will travel farther and straighter.

Why do you spin a football?

Spinning a football creates gyroscopic stability, which helps the ball maintain a straight and stable path during flight. This makes it easier for quarterbacks to throw accurately and for receivers to catch the ball.

Why does a bullet spin?

The answer has two parts - 1. Why do you want it to spin: It allows the bullet to be more accurate and travel further. The bullet spins for the same reason that football players spin a football when they throw it. 2. Why does it spin (How do you make it spin): Inside the barrel are grooves (rifling) that catch part of the lead of the bullet and spin it like bolt spins when you put it into a nut.

How do you use spin in a sentences?

Just thinking about all of my homework makes my head spin. The boat's propeller will not spin.

What makes figure skaters spin fast?

practice. and how many crossovers you do before a spin.

How come if someone throws a spiraling football it will go further than if someone doesn't throw a spiraling football?

Putting that perfect spin on a football is all about the distance, its the precision it creates. Also the spinning makes the ball fly easier in between air particles, which results in the football being able to fly farther with less friction.

What makes the moon spin?

Reflection of the sun.

What effect does rifleing in the barrel of a gun have?

It makes the bullet spin when it is fired- much the same way a football spins in flight. The helps the bullet travel in a straight line, improving the accuracy of the gun.

What makes a football spiral?

Let us assume that the 'football' is an American football, rather than the (nearly) spherical ball that is usually black and white, which is called a 'football' in most countries. The American football is made to spiral by the way that it is thrown. The ball is held with the fingers on one side and the thumb on the other side. As the throwing arm moves forward the thumb pushes the ball toward the fingers. This makes the ball roll along the fingers, making it rotate. When the ball is released, the rotation (the spin) continues. The spin stabilizes the ball, so that the pointed end is pointing in the direction of motion. This allows the ball to go farther than it would if the ball were tumbling.

Why does a football fly the way it does?

A football oblique shape alllows it to spin through the air, the quarterback puts a spin on the ball with his fingers when he throws it. The best spirals are tightly spinning and take much experince to master

What makes a 350 spin counterrclock wise?
