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Competitive sports teach kids cooperation, teamwork etc. Also it's great for the health of your body, it keeps you fit and sharp. Excelling at a sport will help you get into college too. Believe me, I know.

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11y ago
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14y ago

Because it's a good way of staying fit and healthy, and it can also be a good way to socialize. It is also very good for stress relief.

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10y ago

So they will stay skinny and not become obese. They should also work out to build strength.

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Q: Why should there be competitive sports in school?
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To influence kids into joining sports.

A manifesto for a sport prefect?

Oh, dude, being a sport prefect is like being the captain of the team, but with less pressure and more paperwork. Your manifesto should be all about making sure everyone gets a fair shot at playing, like, no favoritism, man. Oh, and throw in some fun team-building activities, because who doesn't love a good game of dodgeball, right?

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