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If it's swimming versus downhill, that would be swimming. However, if it's swimming versus cross country, easily, cross country.

What muscles do you need most for cross country skiing? All of them. Swimming neglects the calf and extensor (forearm) muscles, regardless of swimming style. In cross country skiing both your calves and forearms will get a workout, and the only part of the body not worked is the neck. However cross country skiing involves every single muscle in the human body.

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Q: Which uses more muscles swimming or skiing?
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What are the muscles use in swimming?

Swimming is a good workout to work almost all the muscles in your body at once. It mostly uses your arms and leg muscles. It also tones your core mucles a lot.

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Swimming is a good workout to work almost all the muscles in your body at once. It mostly uses your arms and leg muscles. It also tones your core mucles a lot.

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The great thing about swimming is that it actually uses every major muscle in your body, so there is no specific 'swimming muscle.' All strokes require all parts of your body. That said, depending on which stroke and what style of swimming you plan on doing, you can focus on different muscle groups. As a rule of thumb: Butterfly requires especially strong shoulders and core (abs) Freestyle uses Biceps, Triceps, and Many leg muscles Breaststroke uses thighs, shoulders, and arms Backstroke uses (unsurprisingly) back muscles such as lats, along with legs

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