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Q: How do you stop snow from packing on the bottom of your cross-country skis?
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How do skis help you to go fast downhill?

Yes, skis WILL help you get downhill faster if there is snow. You need to know how steep the hill is to know how fast you will go. If you add some ski wax to the bottom of your skis, you will go extra fast.

What percentage of the US population snow skis?

Approximately 3% of the US population snow skis regularly.

How do you make skis on alchemy classic?

Snow + Ancient Footware = Skis

A skier traveling over fresh unpacked snow stops for a rest unclips his boots steps sideways. What happens?

The skier would sink and would be stuck and would have to pack snow to be able to put his skis back on, not to mention all the snow that would get stuck on the bottom of your boots. the skis would tip to the sides when you try to step into them. so if you can help it leave your skis on!

How does using snow skis or snow shoes enable a person to ski or walk on soft snow?

Skis and snowshoes spread a person's weight out so that they do not sink.

Who invented snow skis?

Dave olcone

How are snow boards different then ski?

snowboards are differnet from skis because skis have 2 skis and a snowboard only has one thing that you stand on.

What do you ski on?

You can snow ski or water ski, but you are always ON the same thing- skis!

What is the Snow plow definition-in ski terms?

The traditional learning stance for beginning skiers is called the snow plow position. While there are variations used in different teaching methods, the basic position requires that you stand in the skis facing across a gently graded hill with your knees slightly bent, with your hands slightly above your thighs, and with the tips of the skis closer together than the tails of the skis, making a forward facing V position. On a small hill, stand without pressing the skis into the snow. Slowly let gravity turn you towards the bottom of the hill. The very slight grade of the hill, and the natural angulation of the skis when in this snow plow position, will keep you from going too fast. Taken from

What effect does ski wax do on skis and what force does it reduce?

Ski wax lets the skis glide over snow.

Can you use a candle to wax your skis?

i just waxed my skis with a candle that i melted with an iron onto the skis scraped and smoothened the surface..tested the skis on slopes.seems like my skis made a squeeking sound on the snow..but all in all it worked well

How does ski wax affect the speed of skis?

i think that waxing them provides a support on the snow and then creates i guess a ballast upon the snowI think the wax hardens to a ultra-smooth finish filling in the pores of the skis and reducing friction. In a manner of speaking, it is supporting the skis.Waxing skis makes the running surface smoother and reduces friction. This will result in increased speed and smoother running.It does not create a ballast on the snow. A ballast is a tank of something, commonly water or sand, or it is left empty, to alter the buoyancy of a submarine, hot air balloon, dirigible, ship etc in a fluid. Snow is not a fluid. All it does is smooth the bases of the skis and make them slipperier. It makes you go a lot faster. That's it.