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Yes, skis WILL help you get downhill faster if there is snow. You need to know how steep the hill is to know how fast you will go. If you add some ski wax to the bottom of your skis, you will go extra fast.

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Lvl 1
3y ago

Skis are smooth at the bottom, and snow will be soft ( or hard ). That will create less friction between your skis and the snow. If you don't know what friction is, it's the force when something is moving on a surface. Skiing downhill will show you a perfect example of it.

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How fast do downhill skis go?

over 100mph at least

Why do skeirs use flat and broad skies?

Skiers use flat skis to to help them go fast they make a pizza by digging the side of their skis

What are the average dimensions of downhill skis and how fast do they go?

The average length of downhill skis ranges from 150-200 cm, with width typically around 80-100 mm at the waist. Downhill skis can reach speeds of 50-60 mph (80-97 km/h) depending on the terrain and skill level of the skier.

How fast can a human run going downhill?

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Why do skiers use flat and broad skies?

Skiers use flat skis to to help them go fast they make a pizza by digging the side of their skis into the snow the side of the skis are sharp so that's makes them stop and go

Do split boards work as skis?

No, the ski format is used with skins to climb up mountains, not for going downhill. You go downhill in board format. Then back up again in skins with ski format.

How do you make yourself go faster on downhill skiing?

you bend down, don't turn, keep skis straight, and you do better the more weight you have

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It depends on the model. Most unmodified jet skis have a top speed between 45 and 70 miles per hour.

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How fast do cars go when downhill?

Whatever speed they're allowed by the driver of the vehicle.

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At about 180 mph if you fall out of an aeroplane with no parachute.

How fast do the riders in the tour de France go downhill?

50-55 MPH