Approximately 3% of the US population snow skis regularly.
Snow + Ancient Footware = Skis
Skis and snowshoes spread a person's weight out so that they do not sink.
They were invented in 1922.
snowboards are differnet from skis because skis have 2 skis and a snowboard only has one thing that you stand on.
You can snow ski or water ski, but you are always ON the same thing- skis!
Ski wax lets the skis glide over snow.
Ralph Samuelson
i just waxed my skis with a candle that i melted with an iron onto the skis scraped and smoothened the surface..tested the skis on slopes.seems like my skis made a squeeking sound on the snow..but all in all it worked well
To race across snow, you can use sleds, sleighs, skis, or snow shoes.
Snow shoes, skis, or if daytime thaw has created a strong crust on the snow.
People ride on snow with snowboards, skis, snowmobiles, and sleds.