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Usually because they hit the ground or water at a much greater speed than was expected. That would be as a result of a malfunction of the main parachute and/or reserve, hitting another skydiver's open canopy whilst still in free fall or trying a radical manoeuvre under canopy too close to the ground. Some have died as a result of hitting an object (such as a building, pylons or an airborne aircraft), but it is extremely rare.

It's actually quite difficult to kill yourself with modern equipment as even if you were somehow rendered unconscious or couldn't be 'bothered' to open your parachute, the reserve would open automatically if you went past 750' at too great a speed.

Forget the myth about people 'dying from shock' before they hit the ground - it's simply not true.

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Q: Why do people die when skydiving?
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How many people die from sky diving every day?

The United States Parachute Association reports about 30 fatalities a year, out of an estimated 3 million jumps. Figures from other countries are less reliable due to the lower numbers involved.

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Who play skydiving?

The true answer is many people "plays skydiving". One of the great aspects of the sport is that people of all social classes and backgrounds participate. The only people who do not "play skydiving" are those who are younger than 16 (in the UK) or those who have a medical condition.

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People can go skydiving for charity at various different places of venues and events that hold skydiving for charity happenings all over the world and other charity events as well.

How do you get qualified in teaching people to parachute jump?

There are courses for skydiving.

Do people compete for skydiving?

Yes, there are skydiving competitions. Some of these are: * Landing close to a target * Formations in free-fall, with more than one person

Can you die if you hit deep snow while skydiving and a parachute doesn't open?
