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Statistically speaking, it is more likely to die in an automobile accident than it is to die in a skydiving accident.

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Q: Are you more likely to die skydiving or driving to school?
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Indoor skydiving in Washington?

Check out the related link for more information on indoor skydiving.

Where can one find more information about skydiving in the UK?

One can find more information about skydiving in the UK at several online sites. Some of these sites with UK skydiving information are "Ukskydiving" and "Skydivenorthwest".

What makes skydiving so dangers?

The straightforward answer is 'it's not'. The most dangerous part of any skydiving expedition I've been on in over 37 years of doing it is driving to the drop zone (DZ) and driving back.You are far more at risk of death or serious injury being in a car than when skydiving. There has only been onefatality in the last two years in the UK and well over 450,000 descents were made without incident.As in any sport, there is an element of risk, but there are far more fatalities and injuries in horse riding and angling!

Why Skydiving requires more cooperation of participants then free flying because?

why skydiving requires more cooperation of participants than Freeflying does

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The difference between a CDL school and a public school for driving has to do with the fact that a commercial driver‰Ûªs license school versus a public school has a greater specialization in commercial driving. While a public school may be more affordable, they generally take longer to register and complete their certifications. To complete a commercial driver‰Ûªs license school in the CDL avenue is more likely to expedite certification.

Do people compete for skydiving?

Yes, there are skydiving competitions. Some of these are: * Landing close to a target * Formations in free-fall, with more than one person

What are the effects of out of school youth?

Youth that are not in school are more likely to be involved in criminal activities. They are also more likely to become drug users or alcoholics.

How has skydiving become more popular?

people are ttly obsessed with it for no reason!!!!

Where can I learn more about roadmaster driving school online?

Road-Master driving school is a CDL License and Truck driving school. They have 12 different locations and classes are available day or night. Tuition assistance is available for those who need it. More information can be found at their official website

What is good athletic training for someone planning to take up skydiving?

A beneficial type of exercise for skydiving is stretching and getting your body fit to skydive. You may need to do an inverted pose while diving and limbering up and stretching your body and toning it will make skydiving a lot more fun. It will be more rewarding if your body can withstand the physical demands of skydiving. Toning and strengthening your body will be good training.

Why is car insurance for young drivers more expensive?

It is generally assumed that younger drivers are less experienced and therefor not as safe on the road as other drivers. They are also seen to be more likely to be racing or engaging in dangerous driving activities such as drunk driving or texting and driving. There are some insurance companies that will lower rates for young drivers excelling in school, however.

What are the odds of being killed on your first time skydiving?

In the USA the statistical odds of dying in a skydive are something around a million to one. That said in reality the odds of dying skydiving for all practical purposes depend on the skydiver himself. In excess of 95% of all skydiving fatalities are caused by human error, extremely rare that it's a gear failure. The gear has redundant systems, and is extremely reliable. Also, it typically requires a chain of events to end in a skydiver dying, eliminate any link in that chain and everyone walks away. In other words "Don't do anything stupid, and you'll be fine!"