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Your arms are moving a circular movement over the water while your legs are doing a up and down motion.

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Q: What do the arms do while swimming the butterfly stroke?
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What insect shares its name with a swimming stroke?

The butterfly is a type of swimming stroke. It uses the arms, which are thrown forward together out of the water, while the feet kick up and down.

What comes first in a swimming medley?

Butterfly (the stroke with the double-arms-forward motion paired with a dolphin kick on your front) is the first stroke swum in a swimming medley called "Individual Medley." In a swimming medley relay, however, backstroke is performed first as it is the only stroke that requires a start in water, while all other strokes start off with a dive.

What is Butterfly in swimming?

butterfly is a stroke where your legs do dolphin stroke or mermaid stroke( keeping your legs together and flapping them up and down) and your arms go up into the air together at the same time and then down again bending your arm slightly when under the water. You also are supposed to keep ducking your face under the water every stroke of the arms you make.

How did the Butterfly stroke get its name?

the butterfly stroke got its name because i mean when you do that your expanding your arms making them look like they are butterfly wings. that is what i think and hope i answered your question bye-bye

What are the 4 main swimming strokes?

swimming strokesThe four major strokes in swimming are: Freestyle: A stoke involving the constant kick of your feetwhile your arms move like a zipper up your side and over your head. In this stroke you breate to alternating sides and do flip turns.Backstroke: A stroke involving the constant kicking motion of your feet and your arms moving in a propeler motion on your back. In this stroke you breathe whenever because your face is out of the water and also do flip turns.Breaststroke: A stroke that involves your legs kicking by coming up to your butt then forcefully coming down then your arms move in a circle from in front of your head down to your bust line. In this stroke you breathe after every pull, if you don't, you will be disqualified! Also, you must touch all walls with two hands at the same time.Butterfly: A stroke involving your feet dolphin kicking once and then they kick at the same time as your arms come out of the water above your bach, enter a little to the sides of your head and then make a keyhole with your arms in the water. In this troke, you breathe after every two kicks and also must touch with two hands.

What are some exercises you can do when swimming?

You can work on any stroke you like to. You can work on drills for each stroke. FREESTYLE: TARZAN which is where you keep your head above the water and your arms are swimming. BUTTERFLY: 3V3 which is you do 3 strokes on 1 arm, 3 strokes on the other arm, and 3 strokes regular butterfly. BREASTSTROKE: 3 KICKS 1 PULL, it names it self. BACKDTROKE: its hard to explain on a computer.

Define the butterfly stroke?

Use both your arms, and move them in a forward circular motion.

Where can you find information on swimming?

Information on Swimming•Butterfly Stroke: it is the toughest and the most exhausting swimming stroke, encompassing windmill like arm movements and dolphin kick. While performing this stroke competitively, the swimmer should avoid underwater swimming. •Breast Stroke: this is one among the different swimming strokes that involves arm movements on the front side, from your head to shoulder level. It is the frog kick that can be associated with this stroke. The swimmer should keep his/her head above the water surface, while carrying out this swim stroke. •Crawl: flutter kick and alternating over arm movements are the features that characterize crawl-swimming stroke. While doing crawling, the swimmer has to keep his head in the water, alternating the face side. •Sidestroke: scissors kick is a distinguished feature that explains the movements of sidestroke. This underwater stroke involves the pushing of your body in the forward direction, keeping your body on one side. •Backstroke: this stroke involves alternate over the head arm movements and flutter kick. •Freestyle swimming: it gives you the liberty to use any swimming stroke you want to, while carrying out your swimming workout session. •Dog paddle: it is one of the simplest swimming strokes, making use of modified flutter kick. In dog paddling, your forward motion takes place with your arms underwater.Information on Swimming•Butterfly Stroke: it is the toughest and the most exhausting swimming stroke, encompassing windmill like arm movements and dolphin kick. While performing this stroke competitively, the swimmer should avoid underwater swimming. •Breast Stroke: this is one among the different swimming strokes that involves arm movements on the front side, from your head to shoulder level. It is the frog kick that can be associated with this stroke. The swimmer should keep his/her head above the water surface, while carrying out this swim stroke. •Crawl: flutter kick and alternating over arm movements are the features that characterize crawl-swimming stroke. While doing crawling, the swimmer has to keep his head in the water, alternating the face side. •Sidestroke: scissors kick is a distinguished feature that explains the movements of sidestroke. This underwater stroke involves the pushing of your body in the forward direction, keeping your body on one side. •Backstroke: this stroke involves alternate over the head arm movements and flutter kick. •Freestyle swimming: it gives you the liberty to use any swimming stroke you want to, while carrying out your swimming workout session. •Dog paddle: it is one of the simplest swimming strokes, making use of modified flutter kick. In dog paddling, your forward motion takes place with your arms underwater.

What is Breaststroke?

A swimming stroke in which a person lies face down in the water and extends the arms in front of the head, then sweeps them both back laterally under the surface of the water while performing a frog kick.A swimming stroke in which a person lies face down in the water and extends the arms in front of the head, then sweeps them both back laterally under the surface of the water while performing a frog kick. A race or a leg of a race in which this stroke is swum.

Who invented butterfly swimming?

I cannot remember who it was, but they swam breastroke in an Olympics - whilst raising their arms above the water, as in butterfly. there was not rule against this at the time, but they changed it when this happened, and butterfly became a stroke. It was most likely developed since then, as have many strokes. So yes, if you are a fly swimmer and dislike breastroke - you have to like it for one thing!

What is a backstroker?

A backstroker is a swimmer who swims backstroke.

What type of muscular contraction is swimming?

isokentric ( the muscle stays at the same speed) (if butterfly swimming) also, maybe isotonic, it changes shape as the arms leave in & out of the water. Hope this helps! (do not copy the butterfly swimming isotonic exactly into your homework - maybe wrong!!!!!) x