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Lacrosse and Hurling are two examples.

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Q: What game is similar to hockey?
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Was hockey discovered in India?

No, it was not. The earliest known record of a game similar to hockey was a carving in Egypt dating back approximately 4000 years.

What is the atmosphere like in a roman chariot racing?

Possibly similar to the atmosphere of a critical hockey or soccer game.

Who wrote the original hockey rules?

The first standardized rules of the game would be drawn up in the 1870's by formal Hockey Association in 1886 This game was popular among the ancient Romans, Greek, Persians and the Egyptians. In the first millennium BC, a game known as Hurling, similar to hockey was played in Ireland. There are many evidences to show South Americans played a game similar to hockey during the 16th century. The English used the French term "hoquet", meaning shepherd's hook, to name this sport "Hockey" in the 18th century. However, the game became popular only in the 19th century.

Where hockey starts?

There is no definite time, or creator of hockey. It is said to have been invented by Canada's Natives, when they played a game similar to hockey called shinny. They played on a field with icy patches. Hope this helps!

Floor hockey is similar to ice hockey and much more -------k- than basketball?

floor hockey is similar to ice hockey with same sized goals

What is ice hockey similar to?

Field Hockey or Lacrosse

What was the original name for ice hockey?

It was originally called "shinny on ice," because it was similar to a British game that was a cross between lacrosse and rugby. The original name for hockey was "ice hurley". Then gradually turned into ice hockey.

What sport is RINGETTE very similar to?

Most people say Hockey is very similar to Ringette. But then again it's very different. Different Equipment. Different rules. Different pace. Different game. By the way Ringette is NOT hockey for girls.

What is a hockey tilt?

a hockey game

What is soccer similar to?
