Hurling, which is one of Ireland's two national sports.
Shinny is incorrect, it should be shinty.
Shinty is the game.
Shinty, which is the fore-runner of Ice Hockey (Invented in Nova Scotia)
Shinty - A form of field hockey, but the sticks are allowed to be raised above waist level. This makes shinty a much more dangerous game than normal hockey.
Shinty is a sport from Scotland. It's origins come from the Irish sport of Hurling. Both are field games played with a ball and stick, similar to hockey.
Hockey resembles the old Scottish sport of shinty and many called the game shinny.
Hurling: one of Ireland's two national games along with Gaelic football. Exceptionally fast, exciting and the most popular game in Ireland after Gaelic football. The stick is called a hurley or camán. Baseball; often regarded as the United States of America's national game, and also popular in some counties such as the Dominican Republic and Japan. Lacrosse; popular in North America - comes from ancient Native American games. Stickball; most popular in North America. Golf; played all over the world; may originate from the Netherlands and Scotland. Field hockey; slower than ice hockey, but is regarded by many as having more finesse to it. Played in many countries around the world such as India or Germany. Ice hockey; derives from hurling, shinty and field hockey, but played on ice. Popular mainly in the US, Canada, North America and some north European countries such as Iceland. Shinty; a traditional Scottish game which derives from hurling. Curling: a winter sport similar to shuffle board Cricket: a sport similar to baseball played with a stick shaped like a long paddle
lacrosse, field hockey, shinty(which is a scottish-irish sport which is like a mixture of rugby and hockey!)
Abertay University Hockey Club was created in 1994.
It is a Scottish sport, played with a stick and ball, a bit like hockey.