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Q: What is Ancient Gaelic game similar to hockey or shinty?
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Which ball and stick game similar to hockey is played in Scotland?


Ancient Gaelic game similar to Shinty?

Hurling, which is one of Ireland's two national sports.

A simple form of scottish hockey?

Shinny is incorrect, it should be shinty.

What is the name of simple form of hockey in Scotland?

Shinty is the game.

Simple form of hockey from Scotland?

Shinty, which is the fore-runner of Ice Hockey (Invented in Nova Scotia)

What stange sporting activity was held in the north of Scotland?

Shinty - A form of field hockey, but the sticks are allowed to be raised above waist level. This makes shinty a much more dangerous game than normal hockey.

Where was Shinty made?

Shinty is a sport from Scotland. It's origins come from the Irish sport of Hurling. Both are field games played with a ball and stick, similar to hockey.

What was the sport of hockey orignally called?

Hockey resembles the old Scottish sport of shinty and many called the game shinny.

What sport is played with a stick and a puck?

Hurling: one of Ireland's two national games along with Gaelic football. Exceptionally fast, exciting and the most popular game in Ireland after Gaelic football. The stick is called a hurley or camán. Baseball; often regarded as the United States of America's national game, and also popular in some counties such as the Dominican Republic and Japan. Lacrosse; popular in North America - comes from ancient Native American games. Stickball; most popular in North America. Golf; played all over the world; may originate from the Netherlands and Scotland. Field hockey; slower than ice hockey, but is regarded by many as having more finesse to it. Played in many countries around the world such as India or Germany. Ice hockey; derives from hurling, shinty and field hockey, but played on ice. Popular mainly in the US, Canada, North America and some north European countries such as Iceland. Shinty; a traditional Scottish game which derives from hurling. Curling: a winter sport similar to shuffle board Cricket: a sport similar to baseball played with a stick shaped like a long paddle

Hockey is generally known as a Canadian sport. What other sport closely resembles hockey?

lacrosse, field hockey, shinty(which is a scottish-irish sport which is like a mixture of rugby and hockey!)

When was Aberdeen University Shinty Club created?

Abertay University Hockey Club was created in 1994.

Is Shinty a skin disease or a Scottish game?

It is a Scottish sport, played with a stick and ball, a bit like hockey.