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floor hockey is similar to Ice Hockey with same sized goals

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Q: Floor hockey is similar to ice hockey and much more -------k- than basketball?
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Which has more body contact basketball or hockey?

hockey by far

What sport is most watched hockey or basketball?

Basketball has more viewers in the United States while hockey is #1 in Canada.

What is watched more around the world hockey or basketball?

The Most watched Sport in the World is Soccer Following by Hockey and basketball

What sport is more fun to watch hockey or basketball?

Hockey doesn't have players flopping for calls. Basketball does however have a player named Meta World Peace.

Is hockey more watched then football basketball nd baseball?

Hell no

Why do some people like hockey when basketball is more exciting?

Whether you like hockey or basketball is , of course, a personal preference. As an ice hockey fan, I love the speed, body contact, violent nature, etc., of hockey which basketball doesn't have. But I follow basketball because it has a different skill set and is exciting in its own way. So my recommendation is: enjoy both for what each sport has to offer!!

What does tol stand for in hockey scoreboard?

It stands for Time Outs Left, although in hockey, they only get one timeout for the entire game. A lot of scoreboards are used in an arena that hosts both hockey and basketball games, though, and in basketball, they have a few more than in hockey.

Comparison between hockey and basketball?

In both sports you are trying to score more goals/baskets than the other team. You also have five people out on the rink/court at one time. hockey is way better and basketball is an extremely wimpy sport But what really matters is what you think, if you like baksetball, then basketball is better, if you think hockey is better, then hockey is better.

What if you had 80 baseball and half as many basketball as football cards and 20 more hockey cards than basketball cards and half as many football cards as baseball how many hockey cards would i have?

You start backwards, you know you have 80 baseball so that makes 40 football. 20 basketball, and 40 hockey.

Is fives a sport?

soccer football baseball basketball hockey volleyball tenis and more are sports

What sport that take more than two people to play?

Football Baseball Hockey Basketball Soccer