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the Chicago Bulls during the Michael Jordan era was better than the Los Angeles Lakers Kobe and shaq. the Chicago bulls were able to won 6 titles in 8 years.

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Q: Which is better team between the Chicago Bulls 98' or the Los Angeles Lakers 2002?
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Which is better team between Chicago bulls 98 or Los Angeles lakers 2002?

They are the same

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The Los Angeles Lakers are an overall better team.

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of course.

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The Los Angeles Lakers have won 16 championships, but there is one teams that has more, the Boston Celtics with 17, so out of The Spurs and The Lakers i would probably go with the Lakers.

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It must be the Laker team.

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55 by the heat- just kidding but the heat are better

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The Lakers have home court advantage during the 2010 NBA Finals because they had a better regular-season record than the Celtics. Los Angeles was 57-25; Boston was 50-32.

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The Los Angles Lakers are by far a better team, then Cleavland.

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It's a matter of opinion and each year sometimes that changes between who is better.